Evan Sia

Senior Software Engineer @ Deliveroo

Email: e-sia@outlook.com

Phone: +447578787799

About Me

Hi, my name’s Evan and I’m a software engineer. I am Malaysian and am currently situated in the UK.

Aside from spending my days writing code and tinkering with interesting pieces of software, I also enjoy searching for good food to eat and lifting semi-heavy weights.

I have mostly worked on backend systems throughout my career but am capable working in a full stack capacity.


Deliveroo, UK

Senior Software Engineer

May 2021 - Present

  • Tech lead of the order-tracker engineering team.
  • Drove the team’s database migration project from ideation to completion; bringing down data storage costs by ~85%.
  • Lead and developed a feature to allow customers to tip their riders through a web interface.
  • Improved the accuracy of the estimated amount of time it would take for an order to arrive at the customer’s address.
  • Enhanced the consumer experience for when an order required more than one rider to deliver to an address.
  • Created software solutions to ensure that the org complied with the regulations defined for delivering orders containing age-restricted products.
  • Developed software to help reduce teams’ operational costs (org-wide).
  • Part of an internal committee that reviews technical design documents produced from within the tech org.
  • Tech stack: Ruby, RubyOnRails, Golang, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Kafka, Git, Docker, Terraform, AWS

AlphaSights, UK

Software Engineer

October 2019 - May 2021

  • Part of the Finance & BI engineering team.
  • Introduced QoL features to the internal invoicing and payment system (pagination, PDF rendering, speeding up page load time).
  • Developed an automated system to calculate and generate performance pay for employees.
  • Built DAGs on Apache Airflow to extract data out of OLTP databases and into reports for data analytics.
  • Tech stack: Ruby, RoR, Python, Kotlin, PostgreSQL, Airflow, RabbitMQ, Git, Docker, Spinnaker, AWS

FactSet, UK

Software Engineer

January 2016 - September 2019

  • Designed and executed solutions to process and manage big data sets supplied by financial data vendors.
  • Implemented web services to expose specific financial data sets to client workstations.
  • Maintained and created workflows to automate the retrieval and storage of processed financial data feeds.
  • Tech stack: Perl, Bash, C++, Python, Perforce, MySQL



A web app that allows a group of users to to log their sales activity.

Features include:-

  • Full-text search
  • Server-side pagination
  • File upload/download
  • CRUD capabilities
  • Registration + Login
  • AuthN + AuthZ
  • Admin control panel

Built with Angular as the frontend, Kotlin as the backend, and PostgreSQL as the data source. The app is hosted on Heroku whereas the database resides on AWS (RDS).


A slack bot responsible for helping teams manage their operational rotas; written in Golang.

The bot is currently being actively maintained (by me + in a private repo) and used within my current workplace but an initial iteration of its source code/features can be seen under my personal GH repo.

Features include:-

  • Create a rota.
  • Update a rota’s details & settings.
  • View a rota’s details & settings.
  • Delete a rota from the channel.
  • Start/Stop a rota shift.
  • Directly override a shift with a different rota member.
  • Schedule a rota shift in advance.
  • Automatically alert the channel when the rota shift changes.
  • Automatically skip over a rota member that’s on holiday/OOO.
  • Customize the message shown when the rota shift changes.


University of Manchester, UK

MSc Advanced Computer Science

2014 - 2015

RMIT University, Australia

BSc Computer Science

2010 - 2013